Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vicodin Updates

Today, despite being on a vicodin substitute for my recent wisdom teeth removal, was very productive!

Supposedly vicodin makes you feel whaaaaaguaaa whagggaaa (other synonyms: loopy, cracked out, sleepy, faint). However, this is not the case for me, which I am proud to admit.

Let me describe my day to those of you interested:
1. Got wisdom teeth out (I hate laughing gas, it tastes like you are slowly becoming a thick slightly amorphous candy cane).
2. Proceeded to watch three movies: one on Architecture (I don't remember much about this one), one chick-flick, and Anastasia (the Disney Movie)

sidenote: at some point I switched into cozy pants from jeans, and told my mom about 20 times I didn't like laughing gas. Both of this events I have no recollection of. 

3. I joined the CIEE facebook Amman group and decided I am indeed going to Amman with some really neat people really far out of my league in terms of travel history.

4. I attempted to get a particular credit card and got rejected on the basis of my unemployed student status.

5. Thought about getting a Syrian visa, then thought otherwise after finding it was 136 USD. Enough said.

6. I applied for an ISE card that will get me discounts.

7. Realized my driver's license and my credit card will expire while I am abroad

and finally...my favorite part:

8.  I ate a whole bowl of tapioca from 12pm to 2:30pm.

Hopefully by tomorrow I will find I applied for everything correctly, and didn't just write, "tapioca tapioca tapioca tapioca tapioca tapioca" on all blank spaces.

That's one more step to Jordan!
See you silly folks another day

countdown for Fairfield: 12 days
countdown for Jordan: 26 days

1 comment:

  1. I am impressed you even were as productive to write this while on vicodin! :)
